Secrets of the Worlds Longest-Living People

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  • na engleskom jeziku


The natural lifespan of humans is about 120 years. Today, we are living longer than ever before. And thanks to scientific progress, many of us can expect to live to 100 or more. However, many of us shudder at the thought. Knowing that we are likely to be plagued with ‘diseases of ageing’ such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke for our final years or decades. Pharmaceuticals companies have spent billions of dollars on their search for a cure for ageing and the diseases it brings with it, with no luck so far. Yet there are places in the world where, all along, people have commonly been living to 100 or more without suffering so much as a headache. How do they do it? The answer is simple: through dietary and lifestyle habits. Secrets of Eternal Youth looks at the ‘secrets’ of the five most remarkable longevity hotspots of the world – Okinawa, Symi, Campodimele, Hunza and Bama. Sally Beare then explains how we can incorporate these secrets of health and longevity into our everyday lives. Included are 25 delicious, authentic local recipes for you to try yourself.


The Live-Longer Diet | Sally Beare

Format 14 × 20 cm
Autor Sally Beare
Mjesto izdanja London
Godina 2003
Broj stranica 294
Uvez Meki

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